Entries by Cathedral Chiro1


This type of joint pain affects a wide variety of people in various lifestyles and life stages. Understanding the root cause of your pain can help to determine the next steps in your treatment including how chiropractic care can help manage your condition and alleviate symptoms. One cause of hip pain may be impingement which […]

Benefits of Vitamin D

The claim to fame for vitamin D is the extraordinary health benefits it offers. Believe it or not, there is more to vitamin D than just bone health.  Vitamin D behaves like a hormone. The advantages vary as the research is accumulated. Only recently have the medical community started realizing the variety of benefits provided […]

Why Do Therapists Tell You To Use It Or Lose It?

When you have a back problem, you will often be told to ‘use it or lose it’. Why is this so important? As our joints get a little older, they will begin to stiffen. This happens because quite naturally our muscles and ligaments begin to contract and the cartilage padding between the joints starts to […]

Does My Back Really Go Out Of Place?

Most of us have experienced a situation where we are going about our usual business and then suddenly out of nowhere our back locks and we cannot move.  A lot of people will come to us and say that they think their back has gone ‘out of place’. Is this really what is happening when […]

Sitting Solutions

Sitting for hour after hour like this is one of the worst things you can do to your spine. While some of us have to do this for a living, the maximum amount of time you should sit without getting up and moving around is 50 minutes. Take 10 minutes out of every hour to […]