Exeter Acupuncture Clinic
According to traditional Chinese philosophy, health is dependent on the smooth flow of energy through the body. Energy can become blocked for various reasons including, anxiety, anger, grief, poor diet, infection, trauma and hereditary factors. When energy becomes blocked or out of balance, ill health develops.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture treatment is focused upon re-establishing the normal circulation of energy to support the individual towards improved health. The acupuncturist takes a holistic approach and seeks to determine and treat the root cause of illness. Acupuncture is a safe, gentle treatment with a long established history.
Traditional acupuncturists have completed 3 years of training and members of the Acupuncture Society are committed to continual professional development and professional standards. .
A growing body of evidence-based clinical research shows that traditional acupuncture safely treats a wide range of common health problems and can be very effective for pain relief and in the treatment of stress and anxiety. Many people choose acupuncture because it helps them to feel more relaxed and healthy.
We also offer cosmetic acupuncture and treatment for fertility and pregnancy.
For more information and research on the treatment of specific health problems visit the British Acupuncture Council website.
For bookings please call 01392 221122
About the practitioner
Helen studied traditional Chinese acupuncture for 3 years at the Clinic of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading. The course included training in Western medical sciences, such as, anatomy, physiology and pathology. Since completing training in 2000, she has continued her professional development in skills and knowledge through on-going post graduate courses.
Helen has been practising acupuncture for 16 years and during this time she has built a substantial client base and has treated a wide diversity of health problems. Many patients have experienced the benefits of acupuncture, including improvements in health and well- being.
Helen is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC), the largest register of fully trained acupuncturists in the UK. As a member, she abides by The Standards of Practice for Acupuncture, the Code of Ethics and a compulsory Continued Professional. Helen is passionate about her work and the promotion of acupuncture. Her long experience has enabled her to witness the efficacy and potential of acupuncture and has strengthened her commitment to the profession.
Helen has a particular interest in acupuncture for fertility and pregnancy. She also has additional training in cosmetic acupuncture.
Visit Helen’s main website here >